Awards and Credits
Natalia is deeply interested in the development of polymer clay and she is a member of several international polymer guilds. Her work can be seen in many books. During the last six years, she organized several seminars and taught classes in Europe and USA.
Natalia Garcia de Leaniz
Natalia has always loved making art; it is, in fact, a necessity for her. Since the very first moment she tried polymer clay in 2000, she was hooked and fascinated by the possibilities it offered! She loves playing with textures, effects and colors. She likes her jewelry to express happiness and transmit how much she enjoys working on it! Her work is primarily in polymer clay jewelry, often combined with silver.
During the last six years, she organized several seminars and taught classes in Europe and USA. She loves to meet other clayers and share experiences, projects and ideas!
Natalia loves the versatility and freedom that polymer clay offers as she works. She considers herself an 'experimenter,' her home is invaded by beads, textures, projects… her passion and enthusiasm for polymer clay has spilled into her husband, Daniel. She does not have a way of working, she just follows her heart, never reading the instruction books! She has been so lucky to meet great artists that she now is happy to consider her friends and even family, and that has taught her so much, technically and as a human being, like Donna Kato, Judy Belcher, Leslie Blackford and, always, Daniel Torres.
Natalia is deeply interested in the development of polymer clay and she is a member of several international polymer guilds. She is a founder of the Spanish Polymer Clay Guild. Natalia’s work can be seen in many books including Adapting Quilt Patterns to Polymer Clay by Sarajane Helm and Judith Skiner, Bisutería by Elvira López del Prado, The Art of Polymer Clay, Millefiori Techniques: Projects and Inspiration for Creative Canework by Donna Kato and Edle Schmuck-Unikate & Accessoires aus Polymer-Clay by Bettina Welker.
Free!Utiliza todo tipo de objetos que tienes en casa para hacer texturas en arcilla polimérica ...
Free!Natalia Garcia de Leaniz uses every kind of objects you have at home to get nice textures ...
$23Make this fun pin by playing with colors and texture in this CraftArtEdu class. You'll als ...
$21Learn with Natalia Garcia de Leaniz how to fold polymer clay to create 4 different beads / ...
$28Apprenez à faire des perles organiques à employer dans vos projets de bijoux enseigné p ...
$28Gestalten Sie Perlen, die durch ein Fenster ihr Innendekor auf der Vorderseite zeigen. Mit ...
$28Aprende a hacer semillas y cuentas orgánicas para utilizarlas en tus proyectos de joyerí ...
$28Con Natalia García de Leaniz un CraftArtEdu, crea diferentes cuentas para hacer un colgan ...