
Bague Mosaique avec Sylvie Peraud

Dans cette classe de CraftArtEdu vous apprendrez à faire une bague en mosaïques inspirée des émaux de l'artiste allemande Angela Gerhard. Sylvie Peraud vous donnera les explications étape par étape et les idées pour utiliser sa technique de bien d'autres manières.

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Liste du Matériel :

• une machine à pâtes
• lames (rigide et flexible) et un cutter
• 1/2 bloc de pâte noire et blanche
• 1/2 bloc de pâte de la couleur de votre choix (vous pouvez aussi préparer votre propre couleur)
• polymère liquide
• Un morceau de grille de plâtrier
• Une éponge à poncer à grain moyen
• un outil aiguille ou une aiguille à canevas
• un emporte-pièce rond d’environ 1cm de diamètre (type kemper cutter)
• de l’alcool à 90° non modifié
• des lingettes pour bébé
• un support de bague en métal
• une petite ampoule ronde ou toute autre forme ronde passant au four.
• Du matériel de ponçage à savoir le kit de micro-mesh ou des papiers de carrossier du grain 400 à 1200

... instructors

Sylvie Peraud

Making jewelry has been part of Sylvie’s hobbies since childhood. Beads when she was young, melted recycled plastics later and polymer clay since 2005. Inspiration is everywhere around her, when walking in the nature, when discovering other art mediums, when reading a book. What she loves best is making faux: faux wood and faux stones. The closer she gets to the real material, the happier she is. Working with a medium as versatile as polymer clay makes it endless.

When working with polymer clay, there are no limits other than those you fix to yourself. It has led Sylvie to create a simple...
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Forever. Your access to your CraftArtEdu classes never expires.  You can watch them anytime and as many times you would like.

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The class handouts are PDF's  If there is an instructor hand out for your class, it will be in your account on the View Class page link under Material Links.

After taking a class, are you then allowed to use the technique to produce pieces to sell, as long as you reference that it was a technique learned from whoever taught the class? 

"Yes, students can produce work to sell - teachers know that they are putting techniques out there for their students to use. The hope is that the student will apply techniques to create their own unique spin on them, but we cannot take money from students and then say "you can't do that."  We do ask that they give credit to the originator." - Donna Kato

Can I become a CraftArtEdu Instuctor?

We are always looking for great instructors. If you are interested in teaching, please send us an email: [email protected] with a description of the media you would like to teach as well as your bio and a link to your website.

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