
Pulsera Manga con Donna Kato

Spanish Version. Hacer una pulsera de gran colorida de la arcilla polimérica en esta clase de CraftArtEdu impartida por Donna Kato. Los estudiantes deben estar familiarizados con acabado técnicas tales como lijado y acabado - no se enseña en esta clase. Version: English, German, French.


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Lista de materiales de la clase

• Arcilla polimérica: Rojo, Naranja, Magenta, Amarillo, Verde, Violeta - 1 pastilla de cada y 2 pastillas de Blanco - Yo uso Kato Polyclay
• Arcilla de desecho- equivalente a 3 pastillas
• Kato PolyPaste
• Arcilla líquida - Uso Kato Clear Medium
• Armazón de pulsera rígido - temporal, no se quedará en la pulsera.
• Papel de plata - ligero, 5 hojas de unos 8 x 9 cms.
• Cortador redondo -Uso un cortador de Kemper de unos 2 cms
• Papel de horno y celo
• Máquina de pasta - Uso una Atlas, grosores marcados como ( )
• Cutter o bisturí
• Cuchilla rígida (Nublade)
• Rodillo • Punzón
• Varias herramientas de modelado - muy buenas las de dentist
• Para el horneado y acabado:
• Bicarbonato y bandeja
• Esponja de lija de grano medio
• Esponja de lija de grano fino
• Recipiente con agua y unas gotas de jabón líquido
• Papel de lija gruesa seca y al agua - grano 250
• Acabado brillante- Micro Mesh y pulidora eléctrica- debes conocer el uso de Micro Mesh.

• Opcional: Papel de lija seco y al agua de 400 y 600 para un acabado satinado.

... instructors

Donna Kato

Donna Kato owes her career in clay to procrastination. You see, she was supposed to find a demonstrator for Kemper Enterprises at what was then known as the ACCI Show, and she didn’t. Having painted herself into that corner, she had no choice but to demo her way out.

Having been born with that “sure, I can do it” attitude, she forged ahead into what were parts unknown and discovered she really liked demonstrating, she really liked the art and craft industry. Through demonstrating, she discovered she loved to teach! She already loved polymer clay so she...
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If you are experiencing problems such as delays, chopping, freezing or browser crashing, please make sure that you have the latest flash version and are on a stable and fairly good connection. It will also very often help to empty your browser cache.

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Forever. Your access to your CraftArtEdu classes never expires.  You can watch them anytime and as many times you would like.

How do I access the class after purchasing it?

Your class is available to view from your account under “My Account."

I am having problems accessing the class handout.

The class handouts are PDF's  If there is an instructor hand out for your class, it will be in your account on the View Class page link under Material Links.

After taking a class, are you then allowed to use the technique to produce pieces to sell, as long as you reference that it was a technique learned from whoever taught the class? 

"Yes, students can produce work to sell - teachers know that they are putting techniques out there for their students to use. The hope is that the student will apply techniques to create their own unique spin on them, but we cannot take money from students and then say "you can't do that."  We do ask that they give credit to the originator." - Donna Kato

Can I become a CraftArtEdu Instuctor?

We are always looking for great instructors. If you are interested in teaching, please send us an email: [email protected] with a description of the media you would like to teach as well as your bio and a link to your website.

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