
Multi Strand Micro Macramé Necklace with Sherri Stokey

Learn to knot a multiple strand necklace in micro macramé with a button closure too pretty to hide in the back! Endless variations possible so you can make one to suit any of your outfits or friends. You can even use your handmade polymer clay beads and further personalize your work.
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Class Materials List

• Tex 400 nylon bead cord 5 10-foot pieces
• Button for closure
• 8/0 seed beads
• Assorted beads
• Thread for sewing on the button

Tools and Equipment

• Flat iron or curling iron
• Surface for pinning and straight pins/t-pins
• Small, sharp scissors
• Glue (I use GS Hypo Cement)
• Ruler or other measuring device
• Sewing needle
• Large eyed, blunt needle (sometimes called tapestry or finishing needles)
• Not necessary, but helpful - pliers
• Also not necessary, but helpful - Fray Check

... instructors
Sherri Stokey

Sherri Stokey

Sherri creates jewelry pieces using macramé techniques, knotting small cords, seed beads and other decorative embellishments into wearable pieces of art and she began creating her own patterns as well as tutorials. She’s branched out into other areas of jewelry making like bead embroidery and bead weaving, but macramé knotting is her favorite.

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The class handouts are PDF's  If there is an instructor hand out for your class, it will be in your account on the View Class page link under Material Links.

After taking a class, are you then allowed to use the technique to produce pieces to sell, as long as you reference that it was a technique learned from whoever taught the class? 

"Yes, students can produce work to sell - teachers know that they are putting techniques out there for their students to use. The hope is that the student will apply techniques to create their own unique spin on them, but we cannot take money from students and then say "you can't do that."  We do ask that they give credit to the originator." - Donna Kato

Can I become a CraftArtEdu Instuctor?

We are always looking for great instructors. If you are interested in teaching, please send us an email: [email protected] with a description of the media you would like to teach as well as your bio and a link to your website.

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Customer Reviews

Generally Good Instructions Review by Janice
I downloaded the pdf, since I prefer to work from paper instructions, but got hung up in a couple of places. Watching the video cleared up the confusion. My first attempt had too many beads; I placed them every 1.5 to 2 inches. It would have helped to know they needed to be 2.5 to 3 inches apart, with some even longer. I also did not untangle the strands before adding the final macrame as instructed, and they were too tangled for my taste. On the upside, my 2nd and 3rd attempts were beautiful - I always expect the 1st to have problems, anyway. It was worth the investment, even though I think the CraftArtEdu classes are all overpriced a bit. Thanks Sherri! (Posted on 10/18/13)
Multi Micro Macrame Necklace Review by Donna
I am excited to make this necklace by Sherri. Her classes are so clear, easy to follow and understand. I feel like I am in her class learning one on one. Thank you for sharing your talents. (Posted on 9/20/13)

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