
Bracelet Manga!

Manga! Dans cette classe de niveau intermédiaire et avancé, les élèves feront leur propre accessoire de mode en argile polymère. Ils doivent être familier avec le ponçage et les techniques de finition qui ne sont pas enseignées dans cette classe. Résumé téléchargeable du cours inclus dans la 1ère Partie de cette classe.
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... materials

Liste du matériel nécessaire :
• Argile Polymère : Rouge, Orange, Magenta, Jaune, Vert, Violet - 1 paquet de 56g de chaque couleur et 2 paquets de Blanc - J'utilise la Kato Polyclay
• Pâte scrap (restes) - environ 170g
• Kato PolyPaste
• Polymère liquide - J'utilise la Kato Clear Medium
• Une armature rigide de bracelet - temporaire, elle ne restera pas dans le bracelet
• Papier aluminium - léger, 5 feuilles d'environ 30cm de côté
• Emporte pièce rond - J'utilise un Kemper Cutter de d'environ 2cm de diamètre
• Papier sulfurisé et scotch
• Machine à pâtes - J'utilise une machine Atlas, cran indiqué entre ( ) dans les indications
• Scalpel
• Lame rigide (Nublade)
• Rouleau acrylic
• Outil pointu ou aiguille
• Des outils de sculpture - les outils de dentiste sont super

Pour cuire et faire les finitions:
• Bicarbonate de sodium et un plat
• Eponge à poncer à grain moyen
• Eponge à poncer à grain fin
• Un bol d'eau et quelques gouttes de savon
• Papier à poncer gros grain n° 250

En option :
• Pour un rendu satiné : papier à poncer n°400 et 600
• Pour un rendu très brillant - Kit de ponçage Micro Mesh et un touret à lustrer électrique - être familier de l'utilisation des Micro Mesh.

... instructors

Donna Kato

Donna Kato owes her career in clay to procrastination. You see, she was supposed to find a demonstrator for Kemper Enterprises at what was then known as the ACCI Show, and she didn’t. Having painted herself into that corner, she had no choice but to demo her way out.

Having been born with that “sure, I can do it” attitude, she forged ahead into what were parts unknown and discovered she really liked demonstrating, she really liked the art and craft industry. Through demonstrating, she discovered she loved to teach! She already loved polymer clay so she...
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... FAQ

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The classes should play fine across all common browsers and operating systems. The only technical requirement is a fairly recent version of the Adobe Flash Player. You can download the latest player for free at http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ . For best possible viewing experience, we recommend above average Internet connections.

If you are experiencing problems such as delays, chopping, freezing or browser crashing, please make sure that you have the latest flash version and are on a stable and fairly good connection. It will also very often help to empty your browser cache.

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For how long can I access my courses?

Forever. Your access to your CraftArtEdu classes never expires.  You can watch them anytime and as many times you would like.

How do I access the class after purchasing it?

Your class is available to view from your account under “My Account."

I am having problems accessing the class handout.

The class handouts are PDF's  If there is an instructor hand out for your class it will be in your account.  On some older classes this handout is also attached to the class player. You can download a handout while you are viewing the class by hovering over the player so the Player Bar opens up. In the bottom, slightly to the right, you will see a link called "x Attachments." Clicking this opens a list of all attachments, and you can click on them to download them.

Can I become a CraftArtEdu Instuctor?

We are always looking for great instructors. If you are interested in teaching, please send us an email: [email protected] with a description of the media you would like to teach as well as your bio and a link to your website.

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