When do you replace your needles??

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Dull Needles - Just when do you replace your needles for new ones?

When they break?

When they get bent?

Once a month?

When you start a new project?

How and when do you decide it is time to use new needles?

I don't often break needles so I tend to use needles long past the time when they probably should have been replaced with new needles, but I learned something today as I was working on making a zillion pods (oh, okay, not quite a zillion): Sometimes duller needles allow you to shape more evenly than do sharper needles. I was comparing needles in my 3 wide tools - one had a fresh set of needles with barbs that really grabbed the fiber and the other had a set of needles that I have literally been using for months. I did rather like the power of the newer needles to help start getting the fiber into the shapes I wanted, but the duller needles allowed me greater control when it came to refining those shapes.


Discussion started by Jeanne Harlan-Marriott , on 626 days ago
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Beth Ridenour
Hi, new member here. I use my needles until they break and I agree that their purpose evolves with their sharpness. I use a foam block for my foundation when I "stab" and it also provides handy storage for sticking my needles into the edge. The issue with the foam block is that it can store fibers that will transfer onto the next project. I might try the Clover bristle block to see if I like it better.
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