Projects: do you like to work on more than one at a time?
Hi everyone! I have a "lifestyle" question here. Do you like to work on more than one project at a time, or do you have several works in progress and rotate among them depending on mood or inspiration? I actually think I'm in the minority here, as I tend to work on one at a time most often. For me, sometimes having one unfinished project can slow down work on another one. I'll be the first one to admit I'm not the best at multitasking. How about you all?
Discussion started by Teresa Sullivan , on 446 days ago
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I swear I must have undiagnosed adult ADHD. I have a thousand projects going at all times.
I not only have more than one project at a time I have several mediums at one time. If the silversmithing hits a snag I go to the knitting or crochet. Or maybe the metal clay is calling
Hi Teresa, I definitely need to work on more than one project at a time. I often have a few beading projects, some knitting or crocheting and a few books on the go. I'm currently enrolled at New York Institute of Art and Design in their Jewelry Design program and loving it! Surprisingly though, my jewelry projects are always the "quickest" to get finished, so I now know where my priorities lie! Colleen
I work on several projects at a time. When I have the time, I choose the one that I'm in the mood for. If I hit a snag, I get frustrated and put it aside. I think about ways to fix it and often come up with an idea after mulling it over for a while. I've found this avoids a lot of frustration and I come up with a better solution than I would have had I continued.
Yes, I tend to work on several different things at one time. When I hit a snag with the clay, then I will jump to the leather, or I will weave Kumihumo. I just like to stay busy doing what I like to do, create!! I work and have other things I obligate myself to, so my time is short for creating. Creating things are like a cool salve for me.
Hi T; I tend to work until I hit a big snag...then I might slog on to unsnag but I've also let it go in favor of another idea. The problem then is getting back to the original idea because something new may branch off from the new idea!