happy to be here:)
Peg - I got the email you sent to the Fiber Group! IT WORKS!!! (happy dance) =^..^=
Peg Sousa jeanne, do you see the ability to email the members in the group you've set up, as well?633 days ago
I'm glad to be a part of this fiber group! Thanks for creating it, Mary!
Welcome. It is an honor to have you join the Fiber Group! I know your comments and posts will be most valuable to our CraftArtEdu Community!
My needle felted Squirrel (which is a needle felting class here) won Member Choice and Cloud Choice (top honors) in EBSQart's May Squirrel Show!
We enjoy talking about our felting classes. From beginner classes to advanced, we know you will enjoy. Also, we have quilting and knitting workshops too. And our embroidery, check it out! We'd love to hear from you.
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