Awards and Credits
Pamela is a signature member of the Watercolor Society of North Carolina, having been awarded the Arches/Cotman Award in 2011. The same year she was awarded the Winsor Newton award through the Southern Watercolor Society.
Pamela Haddock
Pamela believes that every individual is their own best teacher. Practice is the key. Working whether inspired or not, setting aside hours of focused attention brings the best results. She feels that she is a coach, nudging students towards the results they wish to bring about. Pamela shares her years of collecting information, but the student must take the time to put them into practice. She finds joy in the process of creating. Inspiration is everywhere. Taking the time to notice is the difficult part.
Observation is the first step. The scene and its key elements are translated into a drawing that includes the values (darks and lights) observed along with her emotional reaction. Transferred to watercolor paper that is then wet to the core, both front and back. Tube watercolor pigments are mixed using little water and applied to the wet surface. Atmospheric and textural effects are best achieved by this method. Paint is applied quickly with minimal strokes and without requiring the need of reapplication. A fresh strong painting results.
Pamela has drawn, painted and participated in creative endeavors all her life. In 1989 she began pursuing watercolor full time. She has attended workshops with Tony Couch, Fred Graff and Tom Lynch and Janet Rogers, all to whom she gives credit for her collection of information. She works full time at her craft. Pamela is a signature member of the Watercolor Society of North Carolina, having been awarded the Arches/Cotman Award in 2011. The same year she was awarded the Winsor Newton award through the Southern Watercolor Society.