Awards and Credits
Lesley is an internationally known artist, teacher and writer. Her art and articles have appeared in numerous publications and juried shows and also a Contributing Editor of Cloth Paper Scissors. She is the host of BlogTalk Radio’s Art & Soul show and has a growing specialty as an Artist Success™ coach.
Lesley Riley
A crafter since the 70s, Lesley made the decision to take her passion for art seriously in 1999, creating small collages that incorporated the four things that still inspire her art to this day: fabric, color, text and image. When she realized how vital art was to her own happiness and state of mind, she "went public" by creating a website in order to inspire and motivate others to embrace their creativity. Lesley's career as an artist, author and teacher flourished as a result of her taking the leap to follow her heart.
Fascinated by transfers since 1979, Lesley was on a continual search for the perfect transfer method. As a result of her ongoing effort to find the best way for quilters and mixed media artists to get permanent transfers on a variety of surfaces, Lesley introduced TAP Transfer Artist Paper™, named CHA’s 2011 Most Innovative new product. TAP™ is the state of the art technology for iron-on transfers to fabric and other art surfaces.
Lesley is an internationally known artist, teacher and writer. Her art and articles have appeared in numerous publications and juried shows. As Contributing Editor of Cloth Paper Scissors, Lesley showcased new talent in mixed media art. Her books have brought new ideas and techniques to quilting and mixed media art. Currently, Lesley is the host of BlogTalk Radio’s Art & Soul show and has a growing specialty as an Artist Success™ coach, providing solutions for artists of all levels.