Awards and Credits
Roxanne slipped naturally into teacher mode, offering advice and tips to knitters with questions. She began teaching knitters in person at her local yarn shop and she began writing a regular column in Ravelry's newsletter, where her in-depth, detailed explanations of knitting techniques draw thousands of readers from around the world.
Roxanne Richardson
Roxanne Richardson learned to knit in 1986 while living in Dublin, Ireland. Her first project was a sleeveless, V-neck top. (No one told her she had to start with a scarf!)
Roxanne started her professional life doing PC support and training for a Fortune 500 company, when PCs were a mysterious, new technology in the business world. She discovered her love of teaching and her knack for interactive technology as she wrote technical manuals, installed networks, and taught executives how to use their laptops.
When she left the business world to raise her family, she did a stint knitting and selling custom designed cotton cardigans for babies and toddlers. While she loved designing, she soon realized she was not cut out for production knitting and turned to writing fiction. She soon found herself in front of the classroom again, teaching plot structure at local and national workshops.
In 2005, Roxanne's interests in knitting, teaching and technology began to merge. She started working on her Master Hand Knitter certification and joined her first online knitting forum. Soon she found herself in teaching mode once again, answering the questions of other knitters going through the program with her.
In 2007, she joined Ravelry, a new (at the time) online community for knitters and crocheters, where she slipped naturally into teacher mode, offering advice and tips to knitters with questions. In 2008, she began teaching knitters in person at her local yarn shop, Needlework Unlimited. In 2009, she began writing “Ask a Knitter,” a regular column in Ravelry's newsletter, This Week in Ravelry, where her in-depth, detailed explanations of knitting techniques draw thousands of readers from around the world. In early 2010, she received Ravelry's “Bobby” award for Most Educational Raveler.
She is thrilled to be a part of the CraftEDU community, where she can combine knitting, technology and teaching with knitters everywhere.