
Mixed Media Mask

Watch the Free Preview! Learn step by step, Tejae's layering techniques for creating a beautifully aged mask using a variety of different mediums.
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... materials

Plastic mask
Paint brush
Paper towels
Gel medium (matte)
Masking tape
Super glue
Acrylic paints:
- Golden Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold
- Golden Quinacridone Magenta
- Golden Iridescent Gold
- Americana Fawn Liquitex
- Burnt Umber
3-5 collage images
Embossing pad,
Powders, embossing pen, stamps, heat gun (not shown)
Variety of scrapbook papers trim

... instructors
Tejae Floyde

Tejae Floyde

Tejae Floyde loves to express herself through her art. She is most recognized by her polymer hearts with meaningful messages. Her work is full of soul and layered with textures, colors and charm.

She is a multi media artist and creates with mediums that inspire her at the moment. From oil painting, silver-smithing, mixed media art or sculpting in polymer clay, she enjoys learning and sharing what she knows.

Affectionately known as the "Queen of Hearts", Tejae has been featured Polymer Clay Daily and her work has been published in Somerset Studio, PolymerCafe, Exploring Connections, Progress...
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We are always looking for great instructors. If you are interested in teaching, please send us an email: [email protected] with a description of the media you would like to teach as well as your bio and a link to your website.

... reviews

Customer Reviews

I made a beautiful mask!!! Review by sharonmarie
Hi everyone, I was approached to make a mask for an exhibit at a local shop. I had no idea where to begin. I saw Tejae's class and decided to take it. My mask turned out beautiful and I have someone who wants to buy it and another one!!! Plus I was so inspired by Tejae's class that I made another mask. This one Steampunk themed. Thanks Tejae for the great class and the inspiration. Sharon Marie (Posted on 10/29/12)

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